Here are some of the things I have worked on...

new york landing page

Have you ever been to the big apple?

I have never been but have always wanted to go. So I created a landing page ALL about NYC. The page is done in pure HTML and CSS using CSS grids and embedded videos.

Learn about NYC!

World Clock

Have you ever wondered what time it is in another part of the world? Me too! I included a list of places I would like to travel to one day. This was a fun project that I designed using HTML, CSS, Moment.js and JavaScript.

Is it 5 o'clock somewhere?
world clock
weather app


I dont know if you like to check the weather alot, but I do! Its always nice to have an idea of what the current weather is and what the forecast will be, no matter where you are! This is my first project I did using Bootstrap, React and SheCodes Logo SheCodes weather API.

What is your weather like today?


Its always nice to get more information about something. This dictionary app is a great tool for that! It is built with React and uses a couple different API's.

What definition do you want?
world clock

Contact me!